Thursday, February 28, 2008

Is Plato coming out of the cave? And that P in the background is backwards. I'm wondering if that backwards P is a manifestation of the Form of P, and if it is, how much of that Form is it a part of? Could it really be a part of it, if it is backwards? And is there a Form for Forms? Is there a Form of all Forms? Do I have a Form?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sample illistrations

So, I am all done with the poems. I wanted to give you all a taste of the illustrations. I have 10 more to do.

(G. Liebniz)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Another jump start - PhilosophABCs

So, to try to get things rolling again, I will post the first batch of my up and coming colection of philosophical poems entitled "PhilosophABC's". I have 13 out of 26 done. I have another half dozen or so that are almost done, and the rest will require some more research to reaquaint myself with various philosophers and their major ideas. But here are the first three:


Aristotle starts with A
A rational animal with plenty to say,
From Plato he made a total reversal
On what is particular and what’s universal
Five elements, Four causes, and one Academy
Teaching ethics, physics, logic and anatomy,
We still use his system of classification,
And he taught that in all things there be moderation.


B is for Berkeley,
Pronounced like “bark”
In the realm of ontology
Where he made his mark
Beyond what our senses
Can see, hear and feel,
He said that ideas
Are what’s really real.


C is for Cartesian
As in Rene DesCartes,
The Enlightenment Parisian
Renown for being smart,
While meditating in his room,
He doubted things once thought assumed,
He grabbed his ink, and then his plume,
And said “cogito ergo sum*”

(*For those who may not understand, that means I think therefore I am.)

More to come